Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 153

All of the stem collection is completed. I had written a blog and I hit it erased all of it several days ago. I am blogging from my phone.
I went home for my Birthday and for Haylee's graduation on May 31st. It was great and I had a wonderful and emotional weekend. I am so proud of her and so blessed to have such great family and friends. This is what it is all about.
They (MD Anderson) did the random draw to see which method if the chemo I will be getting. I got the long draw which is the new research where they give me Busulfan and Mephlan and it takes about a week longer in administering the drugs then going back and doing the transplant (giving cells back.)
I started the test dose this morning at 8am and will be here until 10pm. They have an IV for the hourly blood draws they are doing to see how my body is reacting with the drug Busulfan. They have already administered the chemo (Busulfan) and will continue to take vitals and blood until 10pm. After they gather all blood and data they will go back and custom make my doses that I will receive next week during the high dose chemo portion of this process.
I will be admitted to the hospital on Tuesday...I will get my room and unload my clothes since i will be here for 3to 4 weeks. I then will go down to Beauty Shop and shave off the rest of my hair since they told me once the high dose chemo starts I cannot go to Beauty Shop because of health risks. The final thing for that day will be to hydrate me by IV fluids. I will up date as I go along.
Thank you everyone for the continued prayers. I so grateful for all of you!❤
Lord, please watch over my friends and family as they go about their day to day work and/or places they will go. Lead me to the people You want me to encounter and give me Your words and/or thoughts. I want to be the best steward for You. Thank You for Your grace and mercy.
In Jesus Christ name