Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day Eight- Getting Going

Well I didn't make it to work yesterday, just couldn't stand up and keep my stomach. Laying down was the only thing that would settle it. I was so hungry that I had Haylee bring me a chicken fried steak and mashed potato dinner from Nancy's Steakhouse and it tasted good while eating it, but it didn't stay for long! I think I will stick to soup for the next few days until I get my stomach back.
I am going to go in to work this morning and see what I can get done and then go to the doctors office in the afternoon. I have a chemo treatment again. I am a little nervous since I am still not sure if I had the flu or if it was the treat mention that made me feel so bad. I take my steroids this morning and this afternoon. Wish me luck! :)

I know you are in control of everything and I know you will not give me more than I can handle. Please be with me today to get through the day making headway with my work and also with my treatment. I pray for a smooth day filled with the people and events that you would like me to intermix with doing Your will for my life. Thank you for the strength to get up and get moving. Thank you for Your grace and mercy, Father God. Please guide and direct me all day with the Holy Spirit. In Your precious Son's name, Jesus Christ I pray- Amen


  1. Thinking about you and hoping all goes well today. Prayers coming your way.

  2. Keeping you in my prayers Lisa I hope you were able to keep down some soup (((hugs))

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We love you Lisa and will see you on Thursday <3 !

  5. Lisa dear, you can DO this.. be strong, as you are. Im sad that this is so difficult for you, i know we all cannot begin to understand what you are really going thru. But thank you so much for doing this blog.

    You should know that while it keeps us informed and helps us to feel closer to you on this tough road, I know its a comforting strength to you as well to face this head-on & strong -as the words flow out of you, and as you "talk yo us.". I feel like I'm in the room just listening to you.. and my heart goes out to you.

    I love you girl, stay well and keep your faith. The rest of us will keep ours for you, and we are sending prayers your way every day. <3 xoxoxo

  6. Lisa dear, you can DO this.. be strong, as you are. Im sad that this is so difficult for you, i know we all cannot begin to understand what you are really going thru. But thank you so much for doing this blog.

    You should know that while it keeps us informed and helps us to feel closer to you on this tough road, I know its a comforting strength to you as well to face this head-on & strong -as the words flow out of you, and as you "talk yo us.". I feel like I'm in the room just listening to you.. and my heart goes out to you.

    I love you girl, stay well and keep your faith. The rest of us will keep ours for you, and we are sending prayers your way every day. <3 xoxoxo
