Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day-29 Tuesday, February 12

You know I just love Sundays! I love going to my church, Texas Cowboy Church in Orchard, Texas. Great family of friends! I felt pretty good and going to fellowship with everyone there lifts me up even more! Pastor RO Murray had a great message this Sunday...You know it really doesn't matter where you came from...It matters where and how you are going somewhere with God. Trust Him with all your heart. When you ask God to Bless you ask Him to Bless you in the way He wants to Bless you. He knows how and the best way to Bless you. "Bless me oh Lord the way You want."

Oh that you would Bless me indeed and enlarge my territory. Let Your hand be with me and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain. I Chronicles 4;9-11

I thought about that and the way God is Blessing me really is the best way for me. I am finding out really just how Blessed I am. I have so much to be grateful for and am thankful for His mercy. A lot of times we get so busy with just the day to day stuff, work, children, grocery shopping, cooking dinner....at my house it is mostly getting home by 7:00pm or so feeding the animals, eating a little something and get settled in to bed because our days start at 4:00am. So with all the hustle and bustle we forget to spend REAL quality time with The Lord. It is just like you as a parent...you want to spend time with your children enjoying them and teaching them and really knowing your children don't ya?The Lord as our Father wants that time with us and we can do that by reading and studying His word. Roland and I pray every morning together and I have always listened to an audio Bible or listened to a audio message or Christian novels that my my Pastor's wife and I trade back and forth, but until now did I really set aside time to study the Bible except for 15 minutes here and there. I am now making it my goal to spend time each day with Him so that I can understand something's I have questions about but mostly to have a super close relationship with The Lord. There is just so much I have to learn and I am excited!
I feel good and today's Doctor visit went great! The Doctor brought me this graph of the Multiple Myeloma where we started
And where I am now. The Multiple Myeloma has decreased by over 50 percent in my body in the last 3 weeks. He said that was great and we are moving right along and that I am doing good! All my levels in my blood came up a bit which was good too. So, I am happy all the way around.

Thank you for praying for my friends it means a lot. I hope everyday brings you joy and love. Speaking of that Thursday is Valentines Day..maybe send someone you care about some love by maybe calling them and telling them you care about them. I really feel so different than I did before. I always loved people and cared for them, but not like I do now AND I really listen to everything they are saying and are not saying if you know what I mean!

Lord, thank you for friends, fun and laughter! Thank you for Your Blessings Your way! Thank you for discernment too. I love you, in Jesus precious name, Amen

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I'm so excited for your good report from the Dr. You and I know God has our back and this journey has made a profound difference in our lives........in every way.
    Continued healing for you dear friend.
    Love you
